The Mechanics Of The Mini30
The Mini 30 mechanics are cleverly shoehorned into a small space!
Under The Bonnet
The engine is a 998cc, 4 cylinder OHV. The unique way it is mounted transversely (sideways as opposed to in other conventional engines) meant that four adults and luggage were able to be fitted into a car 10 foot long and 5 foot wide! It's still the smallest car built able to do this (and to all you smart alecs out there who mention the Smart car - NO it can only fit TWO people in so isn't as marvellously small! Ha!!) To fit everything in, the gearbox is found beneath the engine and in fact in minis the engine and gearbox share the same oil which is why regular oil changes are so important with a mini. The Mini Thirty had servo-assisted brakes as standard and ran on unleaded petrol, which was much higher spec than its counterpart mini models at the time, even the Mayfair.

The car identification plate is located inside the engine compartment attached to the offside wing: