Lilian Margaret Boraman
- Born: Jul 1903
- Location: Poplar, London, England
- Died: 2 Aug 1977 (Aged 74yrs)
- Location: Hamilton Nursing Home, Surbiton, London, England
- Father: Montague Albert Walter Boraman
- Mother: Lillian Davis Endicott
- Sister: Marjorie Davis Boraman
- Brother: Albert Boraman
- Brother: Bertram Montague Boraman
- Sister: Kathleen English Boraman
- Brother: Stanley Montague Boraman
- Sister: Minerva Emily Boraman
Own Family
- Spouse: Edward Rutley
- Married: Jan 1938 (Aged 34yrs)
- Information source: Marriage index entry
Location: Wandsworth, London, England
- Information source: Marriage index entry
- Daughter: Mary Rutley
- Designer of lingerie, clients included the Queen Mother
Moved to Australia when Mary was 13 and Brian 15. Children Mary, studied History at Sussex Univ and Modern Arts at Kingston, Brian who died from Cancer in twenties. Ashes sent to Albany Creek in Brisbane to be placed next to son Brian.